Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A New Strategy For The War On Drugs

James Q. Wilson wrote an essay about the war on drugs. He makes a solid argument why we shouldn't legalize any illegal drugs. I personally think if people want to do drugs then let them. If people know about the effects of drugs and how they can harm you, and they still want to do them, who are you to tell them they can't. You might think my ideas are a little crazy but if someone wants to do drugs I don't think its any ones business as long as they're not harming other individuals. Overall though it is probably a good thing that many drugs are illegal. It would be kind of depressing to walk outside and see crack heads everywhere and people dead from overdoses. I don't know if this would actually happen but its a possibility.
The law says many drugs are illegal so we can be protected. Yet, since drugs are illegal you have many gangs and illegal organizations. These people often hurt many innocent people. So, because these drugs are illegal many people are getting hurt.
When people talk about legalizing drugs, the main drug they talk about is marijuana. Mostly everyone agrees that drugs like cocaine, heroin, LSD, meth, extacy...ext. should be illegall, but many people think marijuana should be legalized. I'm not really sure where I stand on this opinion, but the more i think about it doesn't sound like a bad idea to legalize marijuana. It seems to me like alcohol is a lot worse drug than marijuana. When people drink alcohol they are alot less aware of whats going on then when someone smokes weed. Also when people drink they often make careless decisions and hurt other people. When people smoke, it seems like, they mostly relax and just chill. Also, alcohol and tobacco can both be argued to have worse long term effects than marijuana.

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